Secured Loans Marketplace
During my tenure on the personal loans team, I handled research, design, and iteration of the Secure Loans marketplace, including partnering with our Auto’s team to seamlessly integrate our member’s vehicle information into our pre-qualification process.
One of the first steps of bringing secured loans into the personal loan marketplace was connecting with our autos team to bring our Karma Drive features and information into the application process, saving our members a large data entry step in their secured loan application process.
Once we introduced Secured Loans into our personal loan marketplace we wanted to notify our users that secured options were available. After a few design iterations we went foward with a simple think banner and a pop over modal.
Another aspect of the Secured Loans in the Personal Loans marketplace was how to designate the offer card as a secured loan. This was accomplished through a design sprint, iteration, and a few rounds of unmoderated user testing via
Selected screenshots of the user testing results deck